Member-only story
lifestyle | moving | emotions
April Passed Me By
or actually — I allowed it to lap me
I mentioned before in my piece about Portland that I was moving away.
Without going into many of the details — that move became a reality.
My son and daughter-in-law found and bought 3 acres with enough housing space for all of us — and the pets — they closed on it and got ready to move there. Because they were driving two vehicles each with a U-Haul — they were able to take a lot of my stuff with them.
What that meant for me, was that April was a month of sort, toss, donate, and pack. All tasks that I dislike and find stressful. A friend who also hates packing said they ought to make it an Olympic sport and I agree.
It took a lot of energy — mental and physical — mostly mental — I was very stressed — and I am recuperating as quickly as possible because I do not have the time to stay stressed. There’s still a lot of my stuff that needs to get sorted, tossed, donated, and packed before I leave — but at least the amount is lessened. Oh yeah — I also have to sell the house or get it readier to sell before I leave.