humor | pets | psychology | lifestyle

Does My Dog Know How Old She Is?

do I know how old I am?

Lynn Dorman, Ph.D.; J.D.


my dog — tired of the rain
my dog Tova —and how she deals with rainy days [photo by author]

I often tell my dog we are both aging so well. She’s 11 and I’m 84 — we’ve been together since she was 7 weeks old.

Although she was born and raised in Portland, Oregon, she now dislikes rain. Well — we both started disliking it when we still lived there…



Lynn Dorman, Ph.D.; J.D.

NYC native, snarky, opinionated octogenarian, educated [with PhD and JD]- I write, I talk, I think, I opine, I teach — and will do so until I can’t.