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Does My Dog Know How Old She Is?

do I know how old I am?

Lynn Dorman, Ph.D.; J.D.
3 min readMay 15, 2024


my dog — tired of the rain
my dog Tova —and how she deals with rainy days [photo by author]

I often tell my dog we are both aging so well. She’s 11 and I’m 84 — we’ve been together since she was 7 weeks old.

Although she was born and raised in Portland, Oregon, she now dislikes rain. Well — we both started disliking it when we still lived there and our dislike of rainy days continues — as we’ve had too many of late.

Like many I know, I talk to my dog frequently. I know there are people who think it's weird, but I've always talked to my pets — and I've had pets around since I was born. I suspect I will always talk to my pets — because why not.

Anyway, I've recently asked her does she know how old she is and that she is aging very well. Even her doctor said so. We've had to go to the vet a few times because she's got an allergy to the local fleas and got an abscess from maybe something on a stick — the joys of living in the country. [But modern meds [read expensive] work wonders and there are no more flea and tick issues — for her. For me? Different story [for another time.]

You might wonder why would I anthropomorphize my dog and ask her a question that I know I can't get an answer to — and is a question that you might actually ask a human.



Lynn Dorman, Ph.D.; J.D.

NYC native, snarky, opinionated octogenarian, educated [with PhD and JD]- I write, I talk, I think, I opine, I teach — and will do so until I can’t.