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March Came In Like A …
lion/lamb? or lamb/lion?
Ever since I can remember there has been the saying that weather-wise — if March comes in like a lion it goes out like a lamb — or if it comes in like a lamb it goes out like a lion.
I've lived in so many different parts of the country with so many different types of weather, that I don't pay much attention to what the first day of March is like. I tend to think of it as a lion/lamb because it mostly doesn't matter. It's come in like a lion and gone out like a lion — it's come in like a lamb and gone out like a lamb — and all other possible variations because weather is like that — especially these days.
This year I thought — what if it wasn't about the weather? What if it's about other things in life? Like my end of February — into March reads and income? Here. On Medium.
I'm not sure whether to call it a lion or lamb — because — it sure was crickets.
And I know why. I published exactly nothing here during February and only 2 articles during January. I know from past experience that the more I publish the more reads and…