Stress: Which Age Has The Most?

Lynn Dorman, Ph.D.; J.D.
5 min readFeb 16, 2020

Sadly, many say: “mine”


As of 2019, the most stressed age range was the 30 to 49-year olds … the range of 15 to 29-year-olds was statistically right behind. And both were followed by the over 50s.

The data vary most every time research is done as there are so so many stressors and they keep changing. So overall, while I’m not sure there is a “usually” correct answer as to what…



Lynn Dorman, Ph.D.; J.D.

NYC native, snarky, opinionated octogenarian, educated [with PhD and JD]- I write, I talk, I think, I opine, I teach — and will do so until I can’t.